Chillzee KiMo T-E-N Contest Winner - Steve Rush

I am thankful for every bit of advice and encouragement writers and readers have offered to me from the time I began the expedition to becoming an author. I call my writing an expedition because for me, and most fellow writers out there, writing is an endeavor.


We begin by staring at a blank page, an idea in mind about where we want to go beginning with our inciting incident, and type the words “Chapter One.” Then we face the work, fun, and satisfaction of creating a story we trust readers will love.


I like to think of it this way: In the imagination of our worlds, we assemble works for the pleasure someone might read our words, smile, and say, "I like this.” Those words deliver a sense of accomplishment. They lift me out of the doldrums of rejection letters and failed attempts of the past.


Although I have yet to reach the place I want to be, I keep writing with my goal in sight. You can, too. Keep writing for that audience of readers looking for the kind of stories you can offer them.